Thursday, August 29, 2013

SIA interview, I made it. SO VERY HAPPY

Hi there, I know I’ve been missing for quite a while. Mainly because I had been sorta wasting my life away, killing time with the most mundane thing you can imagine. I mean not that it was boring; it’s just that there isn’t much to share. Ever since I graduated, I started working part time at awfully chocolate However; I’m back because I’ve this really happy story to share. I’m overwhelmed with joy because it’s such a magical feeling to achieve something that you’ve really really yearned for. I tell you, it felt so… unbelievable.
So just this weekend, I went for SIA interview with over 1000++ applicants vying for the job as a cabin crew (air stewardess/steward)  and it wasn’t easy at all I tell you. I failed the first time I went there. And I decided to give it another shot because I really wanted it. BTW, I just got employed like two weeks ago and my job is pretty okay, just that it’s really quite low pay. Diploma & without experience. What more can I ask for? #realitystrikes. At least it’s marketing related and it can help to contribute to muh resume I guess.
Idk if I should bring you thru the entire interview because it’ll be quite long winded. How bout a brief one? Here goes! There’s a total of 5stages and in between each stages, there’s usually I fairly short but extremely nerve wrecking wait (haha!)

Stage one is a mass interview whereby there’s 10 interviewees and 2 interviewers and they’ll ask you to do a brief introduction of yourself and ask you a random question. Mine was, what is your favorite movie? I was lucky to be the 7th speaker, I think most people will want to be the first but I wanted more time to think. So can you imagine the first speaker barely have even anytime to think? The first time I was second btw. At first I was like, MOVIE shouldn’t be a problem for me at all because I love movie and it’s one of my hobbies? But I was stuck for a while because I watch TOO many movies. Uh-hur, so I said despicable me? I didn’t describe much about the movie because I felt that it was very boring.. so I went ahead to talk about who I watched it with and how it was more memorable for me because everyone left the theatre with a smile and chatters like school kids. I think the whole point here is to see how you portray yourself, your gestures (look confident & mature? They don’t want a kid) and also to constantly smile after all we will be in the service line. I think the problem for me was that I’m 20 and I look really young and fragile.. so I tried my very best to show the mature side of me.

Stage two was skin check. It was one of the stages that I felt happiest for when I proceeded to the next. Because I felt that it was something that I could do least about? And I literally felt so naked on my face when three spot lights shone of me. Be reminded that it will not just be SOLELY skin check because they’ll talk to you at the same time while looking at your face. They asked what I am currently doing, why I failed the previous time, and how long my sister had been flying already. And then told me to turn my face to left and right and checked my arms and back to my neck for scars and tattoos. And yay to none of them. I TELL YOU THE WAIT OUTSIDE FELT LIKE FOREVER? I was really really nervous but I tried my best to keep calm. And they called my name “Samantha chua… please stand over there” and I’m like?? Stand here is a yes or a no? YAYYYY then she called a few others and told us to proceed to wait for stage 3. HELL YEAH? I tell you I really extremely happy and grateful!!!

Stage three for me was management round already (fyi, most people say this is the toughest stage and the one where most people gets eliminated. On a usual basis right, management round is on the second day. And one-to-one interview is the third stage, but I heard this time too many people got thru stage 1&2 so they swop the tougher stage around. I did not have any thoughts of this because I just really wanted to focus and keep my composure.  It was a group of 6 interviewees and two interviewers. They paired us up and we were given 1 min to know our partner and we had to introduce our partner. I was the first one to speak this time. I think I am lucky to have spoken before my partner? Because she very much said what I said too L afterwhich it was debate. They separated us into 2 groups, and my topic was, social media a boon or bane? My group was against! Again, I think I’m quite lucky? Because my topic is something that I thought of before and I think there’s more to say if you’re going against social media? Note that you’re given only 3 mins to discuss, and that they’re actually observing you when you are discussing. I tried to coordinate my group by asking them to voice out what they think and lastly what I thought. Do not; do not try to overpower anyone because that’s not what you want here, teamwork is the key! Be friendly against your opponents and speak wisely. I would say, the little gestures count a lot, and not to forget your genuine SMILE. Mine ended here while the other groups had a passage to read each (I seriously didn’t mind reading a passage!!) I felt quite comfortable after this stage but I kept having this at the back of my mind, it’s unpredictable and ANYTHING can happen. And 2 out of the 6 made it to the next stage (which is held on the next day). They called my name Samantha chua and ken toh, you’ll made it. OMGOMGOMG I WAS SO HAPPY BECAUSE I MADE IT TO THE NEXT DAY AND MY DREAM INSTANTLY FELT SO MUCH CLOSER AND THAT I CAN GO MEET MY BF HAPPILY AND NOT WALK OUT OF CONCORDE HOTEL WITH SO MUCH SADNESS like the previous time lol.
ANWS, I was really happy to have gotten the form to come on the second day, and I just kept telling myself that I mustn’t fail on the second day because I am just thatttttt close to it!!!!

Stage 4 was two-to-one interview instead of the usual one-to-one. And it’s 2 interviewers and me!! They asked me what I am currently doing and OH! I used to work and awfully chocolate. And they asked me what’s my favorite dessert there. Again asked about my sister and that it was not so glam job that everyone thinks it is? So the question very much varies according to what your application form has!! I think I faired well, but again I still kept worrying while waiting for my results. While waiting for my turn, both guys beside me already PASSED the entire thing and they were both smiling sosososo widely and they kept telling me they hope the best for me, and of cos I just very nervously replied I ALSO HOPE IT’S A YES FOR ME. Lol seriously want to smile as widely as them too. Then…. SAMANTHA CHUA, IT’S A YES FOR YOU BUT….. you’ve kebaya stage up next. I WAS ELATED.

KEBAYA STAGE was the last round for girls!! Guys, if you’re reading this you can skip. So we were brought to this room where there were many different sizes of kebayas and you’re given 5 mins to get changed and bun your hair. They said to pick the smallest size and squeeze into it to show your figure. LOL but I didn’t, I picked the most high cut one. HAAAAA just laugh at me just laugh only. I can seriously tell you ALL the girls look so nice in the kebaya in this stage. All look really pretty? But there wasn’t any mirror so I was wondering if I look fat and look as nice as em. While changing 2 girls came in to change out of the kebaya. And they were saying they fell into the keep in view situation because they’re too skinny and were given 3 months to gain some weight and to call them back to come back for review once they’ve gained their target weight. IT WAS MY TURN, this round, I was nervous as well because it’s the very very last stage and it’s a thorough skin check on the face and body. She pointed out some skin flaws I had on my face. And she actually advised me to use certain this and that to help me cover up my flaws. At the point of time I was just grateful because she was helping and teaching me, but at the same time I was uncertain because idk if this flaw was acceptable?? Anw it was some feign acne marks and scars so she told me to use the pore refiner and concealer then foundation then loose powder to set it. I FRIGGING love her because I actually appreciate it when people help and guide you instead of constantly pointing out your flaws? But anw they’re REALLY particular about skin and scars so girls pls pls take good care of your skin okay? Because I’ve known of stories where there are some zits on the face and she was under KIV. But KIV is better than starting right from the start when you were alr in the final stage? So jiayou! And then she looked at my hands and spotted some red marks and asked me what they are. BTW I never seen this red marks before because it was at the back of my hands. So I just went like omg im not very sure what are these. Then she just haha you don’t even know there is this mark on your hands! LOL. And I was told to walk and it was really nice to see her smiling and nodding.

Thennnnnnnnnnn IT IS A YES FOR ME AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNN. So this time was more official!! I was given a form and went for document check and all. And I just went for medical checkup on Tuesday, so everyone reading this!! Please pray for me that all will proceed smoothly kkkaayyy!!! (L)(L)(L) I’LL BE SUPER THANKFUL…. Im 90% there already!!

I can’t wait to start training, can’t wait to travel round the world. I’ve many many thoughts about this. I am so timid, so fragile so weak, I cry at the slightest thing. It’s time for me to grow up. Adulthood, I am ready for you. Bring it on! And from there, while traveling and appreciating this whole entire thing, I believe I will be able to achieve my next goal in life too.

Dear Lord, I want to take this chance to give you my sincerest thank you.I can’t see to thank you enough. I really felt your presence and support.  Thank you for being here for me.

And to those who felt happy for me and were supporting me all the way, here’s a big thank you! I want to JUMP IN JOY RIGHT NOW. It really feels like a dream!! 


Anonymous said...

Hi Samantha! May I know how tall are you? :) I'm planning to go for the March in-take!

Anonymous said...

Hi! did they measure your height?

Unknown said...

Hi Samantha! May I ask if resume is needed? Or just the application form and certs would be sufficient?

Unknown said...
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